Health & safety policy | WG Davies - Servicing South Wales Skip to main content

Health & safety policy

It is the established policy of WG Davies to provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all of our staff and to try to safeguard all others who may be affected by our activities.


In pursuit of this objective of assured Health and Safety, the Company has a documented Health and Safety Management system. The Management system is detailed in the Company's Health and Safety Policy Manual and is supported by a series of procedures, records and reports.

The allocations of responsibilities are set out in the Health and Safety Policy Manual.

This Policy and the documented Health and Safety Management systems are subject to an ongoing review process and employees will be advised of amendments. 

The management of the Company are fully committed to the achievement and maintenance of the highest standards of Health and Safety and are aware that this is only possible with the wholehearted co-operation of all members of Staff.


Named responsibilities for Health & Safety

Managing Director

The Managing Director has overall responsibility for health and Safety and in particular for:

  • Ensuring that adequate resources are available to implement the health and safety policy;

  • Ensuring health and safety performance is regularly reviewed at board level;

  • Monitoring the effectiveness of the health and safety policy;

  • Reviewing the results of health and safety audits and arranging the implementation of appropriate actions;

  • Reviewing the policy annually and arranging for any necessary revisions.


Depot Manager

The Depot Manager is primarily responsible for the effective management of health and safety within the dealership.  In particular this includes:

  • Delegating specific health and safety responsibilities to others;

  • Monitoring their effectiveness in carrying out those responsibilities;

  • Ensuring the company has access to competent health and safety advice;

  • Ensuring that safe systems of working are established for activities within the depot/premises;

  • Ensuring that premises and equipment are adequately maintained;

  • Ensuring that risk assessments are carried out;

  • Ensuring that adequate health and safety training is provided;

  • Ensuring that appropriate remedial action is taken following accident and incident investigations;

  • Ensuring that contractors working within the dealership have satisfactory health and safety standards;

  • Chairing any health and safety committee meetings.


External Health and Safety Advisors

External Health and Safety Advisors are responsible for:

  • Ensuring that risk assessments are kept up to date and reviewed as required;

  • Carrying out quarterly health and safety audits

  • Identifying and reporting health and safety related problems and issues;

  • Identifying health and safety training needs;

  • Identifying the implications of changes in legislation or HSE (Health and Safety Executive) guidance;

  • Assist where required in the submitting of reports to RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations);

  • Providing sound advice on health and safety matters.


Employees responsibilities

It is the responsibility of every member of staff to have regard for the safety of others who may be affected by any act or omission, either inside or outside the workplace. 

This duty is reinforced by law and criminal penalties may apply.


  • To read and understand the Company’s Health and Safety Policy and to carry out their duties following its requirements. 

  • To know the safety procedures in case of fire.

  • To be aware of the location of first aid boxes.

  • To report any accident on the appropriate form.

  • To report any faults or defects in equipment or machinery to their immediate Supervisor or Manager.

  • Not to attempt to repair or maintain any workplace equipment without full instructions or training.

  • To use or wear all protective clothing or appliances applicable to the task.

  • To ensure that all fire escapes, emergency exits, doors and walkways are kept clear and free from obstruction.

  • Not to attempt to move or lift any items or materials that are too heavy and likely to cause injury.

  • To use the appropriate equipment when attempting to reach items at high level.

  • To report any hazards in the workplace to their immediate Supervisor or Manager.

  • To comply with all Company warning notices in respect of moving vehicles and the equipment in use on the Company site.

  • To restrict smoking to designated areas only.